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A Time You Helped Your Neighbours
发布时间:2021-11-03 发布者:admin 浏览次数:1188次
Describe a time when you helped your neighbours.
You should say:
    who you helped 
    how you helped them 
    why you helped them 
and explain how your neighbours benefited from your help.
Part 3
1.What kinds of people need help in China? 
2.What do you think of (very) poor people?
3.How do you help other people? 
4.Do Chinese people help others who need help, such as people in extreme poverty? (How?) 
5.Do you think it's important to help people who need help? (Why? /Why not?) 
6.Do you think the government should help these people? (Why? /Why not?) 
7.How does the government try to help these people?
8.Are there any non-government organizations in China that help people? 
9.Where do these organizations get their money from? 
10.What's your opinion of these organizations?
下一篇:A Traffic Jam





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