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A Traffic Jam
发布时间:2021-11-03 发布者:admin 浏览次数:1529次
Describe a time when you were caught in a traffic jam.
You should say:
when it happened
where it happened
how you passed the time while waiting
and explain how you felt when you were in that traffic jam.
1.Do you prefer traveling by car or by bus?
2.Which vehicles are more likely to be in a traffic jam, cars or buses?
3.If you were in a traffic jam, would you prefer to be in a car or a bus?
4.Why do so many people want to own their own car?
5.Do you feel that traffic congestion in your hometown is better, or worse than it used to be?
6.Do you think only the government has the power to manage the problem of traffic jams?
7.Do you think the problem of traffic congestion will be eased (or solved) in the future or will it become
9.Do you think having more public transportation is the answer to traffic congestion?





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