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Master of Engineering (Electrical Engineering)(1.5年 不接受转专业)
A successful applicant for admission to the Master of Engineering (Electrical Engineering) will hold a recognised Bachelor of Engineering degree in the same or similar field of study to the specialisation they are applying for, and have a credit average (or equivalent).
If you have completed a Bachelor’s degree with honours in Engineering you may be eligible for reduced volume of learning (RVL). In order to be assessed for RVL you must indicate in your application that you would like to apply for credit. You will then receive an email including instructions about how to submit your application for credit. Your application for credit must include the name of your Bachelor’s degree and the awarding institution. You must also upload a copy of your transcript. The outcome of your credit application will be included in your letter of offer. Reduced volume learning will shorten the duration of your course.
Refer to CUSP for information on reduced volume learning and degree requirements.
This program comprises core units of study along with electives to broaden your knowledge. You will complete a sequence of specialist units that comprises a major in your chosen field. It has a strong focus on project work to enhance self-directed learning.
Professional engineering management subjects will enhance your leadership and commercial capabilities, providing you with greater opportunities to advance your career. They include:
Ø sustainable design, engineering and management
Ø entrepreneurship for engineers
Ø project process planning and control
Ø safety systems and risk management.
Research pathways are available within all majors, allowing you to complete a research project as preparation for a research degree.
2. 昆士兰大学
昆士兰大学(UQ)是澳大利亚一所综合性公立大学,建立于1909年12月10日,是昆士兰州规模最大、历史最悠久的大学。该大学是澳大利亚八大重点高校之一,也是进入21所大学联盟(Universities 21)的三所澳大利亚大学之一。
Electrical Engineering Field of Study
Bachelors degree in engineering or related field OR Graduate Diploma in Engineering.
IELTS overall 6.5; reading 6; writing 6; speaking 6; listening 6
ELEC7901 2 Advanced Medical Device Engineering
ELEC7902 2 Biomedical Signal Processing
3. 新南威尔士大学
新南威尔士大学现为澳大利亚八大名校和Universitas 21联盟的成员。大学共设有九大学院,包括文学和社会科学学院、建筑环境学院、艺术学院、工程学院、法学院、医学院、科学学院、澳大利亚商学院以及澳大利亚国防学院,各学院下设不同的学系。学校开设一系列的本科、硕士和博士专业,如高等数学、航空工程、建筑、艺术、舞蹈、生物技术、商业、化学、土木工程、通信、计算机科学、数字媒体、经济学、电气工程、环境工程、美术、食品科学、工业设计、信息系统、室内建筑、法学、风景园林、机械工程、新闻、医学、音乐、心理学等等。学校的优势学科有法学、医学、商科、艺术等。
Master of Engineering (Electrical Engineering)
Entry into this Master's program requires the completion of a 4-year non-accredited (under the Washington Accord) Bachelor of Engineering degree (or equivalent) in a cognate discipline. Alternatively, eligible applicants include those who hold a 3-year Engineering Science degree in a cognate discipline, at least equivalent to the first three years of an Engineering degree accredited under the Washington accord. A minimum overall average of at least 70%, or equivalent, over the duration of the qualifying Bachelor's degree is also required. A pathway for entry into the program for graduates from both 4-year Bachelor of Engineering degrees in non-cognate disciplines, and 3-year Bachelor of Science degrees, exists via enrolment first into the Bachelor of Engineering (BE) program, where advanced standing (to a maximum of 2 years) may be granted
IELTS 6.5 overall (min. 6.0 in each subtest)
To qualify for the Masters Degree, students should successfully complete courses that total at least 96 UOC including:
Project - 12 UOC of discipline-specific MEng project
Ø ELEC9120 ME Project A (6 UOC)
Ø ELEC9121 ME Project B (6 UOC)
Design - 6 UOC of design course
Ø ELEC9123 Design Proficiency (6 UOC)
Professional Development - 36 UOC of discipline-specific L4 electives, chosen from the lists below.
Specialisation - 30 UOC of discipline-specific L5 electives, chosen from the list below.
Engineering & Technical Management - 12 UOC, chosen from the lists below.
In addition, a further requirement for the program is the completion of 60 days of Electrical Engineering or Telecommunications related industrial experience.
4. 阿德莱德大学
Master of Engineering (Electrical)(2年)
This degree offers students the chance to specialise in cutting edge technologies aligned to their career pathways. It is suitable for engineering graduates who wish to pursue further studies, as well as engineers with relevant work experience.
IELTS: Overall 6 Reading 5.5 Listening 5.5 Speaking 6 Writing 6
The Master of Engineering is a 48-unit program comprising 12 units of core courses, 12 units of foundation courses, 12 units of advanced technical coursework and a project to the value of 12 units, which introduces candidates to research. Normally, students will complete the requirements for the Master of Engineering in two years of full-time study.
Graduates of a Bachelor of Engineering from the University of Adelaide or another institution whose program is equivalent to an AQF level 8 honours program will be eligible to be considered for credit allowing them to complete the master's program in less than two years, with a minimum of one year of full-time study.
International students from non-English speaking backgrounds will be required to take an English language communications course as part of the program.